Tiny expressions of my soul
A mighty wind
Trepid leaves clinging
with but a sudden gust break
free from solid limb
Stardust fills her days
while twilight brings earthbound dreams --
Life lived divinely
Last minute shopping
Aisles of lush trinkets
Men's bewildered, panicked looks
Bath oils and chocolate
A Winter's Day
Sharp crunch of snow boots
Tips of summer grass welcome
the fleeting solstice
December in Texas
Green crowd roars hurrah
Padded boys crash and tumble
Red crowd triumphant
Peace on earth
A winding dirt trail
sunlight peeks through green awnings
the fresh scent of pine
Time on my hands
Pink slip bereavement
every day's a Saturday
time to contemplate
Morning fog
Gentle mist settles
cool and wet on salty cheeks --
Gaea's soothing kiss
Ear of the heart
Same words spoken, heard
yet meanings misunderstood
filtered through the heart
It is written
fate - not in the stars
but in the strength of two hearts
who hope, endure, love
Go see it!
Radio tuning
rear view mirror mascara
roadside rubbernecks
Give and Take
blue prairie crocus
pollen-dusted honey bee
a fleeting exchange
Faithful Queen of Hearts,
her hand dealt the nine of spades --
I make my own fate
5 million a year
Orange glow winking
gentle curl of white vapors
cruel untimely end
Journey unending
Starting a lone path
Afar, legion courses branch
to points infinite
Slow grey clouds drift by
shadows flow across the plains
burst of raindrops fall
Impromptu portrait
black Krylon embellishments
urban artistry
Mom and Dad
Global wayfarers
planting seeds of hearth and hope
family is their home
My world was once filled
with wander, wonder, change, chance --
time for unrooting
Before rising
warm skins embracing
kittens purring in each ear
ineffable joy
Winter turn-offs
Dry skin scraped red-raw
Static charge puts the wrong spark
in a lover's kiss
Celestial reunion 2008
Crescent moon nestles
with Jupiter and Venus
shining in night sky
Winter comes early
Chilled fingertips brush
windswept hair from pink-pinched cheeks
goosebumps on bare arms
tiny red faced babe
wailing hard, not world ready
sister's comfort pats
Mountain stream
Glacial waters splash
tumbling over weathered stones
white foam rushes by
Cormorants Resting
Water birds perched high
on winter skeleton tree
drying wet feathers
Turkey Day Ride
Fallen foliage
dry leaves swirl as bikers breeze
over covered trails
Grateful, and yet
Warm, fed, safe, and cared
still the human heart hungers
to fill nameless voids
Pearly orange scales
slipping through sea fronds swaying
bubbles rising up
Out of the blue call,
"We've been thinking of you, dear"
Me, out of the blues!
Childhood Memories
Cowboy big brother
Lakota little sister
Play-acting extreme!
Cold front
The wind whips white caps
on a small man-made lagoon,
angry dark clouds loom
This is not a pipe
Real and yet surreal
familiar but perplexing
Art for the mind
Nature's appliance
Gold patch of sunlight
traveling across the floor
time piece and heater
Backyard Promises
Autumn afternoon
grass beneath us embracing
love and fealty vows
Nature's Candy
Red plum, fresh and sweet
first bite breaks the crisp smooth skin
juice runs down my chin
Blue bag bind
Recycle pickup
takes my discarded plastic
burning fossil fuels
In the face of dark
wretchedness and deep despair
I will live today
Laugh lines deepen as
we reminisce about our
childhood follies past
Night vs. Day
Pale mid-morning moon
fading into azure sky
barn owl winks asleep
Happy Birthday, Kathy
Seasons shifting by
While color may leave my locks,
it flows through my life
Luck runs out
"Your tickets and cards,
People. Fare Enforcement here!"
One man leaves the train.
-- Guest blog haiku from BRG3
My pen lays silent
my voice is stilled and muted
but my thoughts are mine
Predawn storms
Moonlit puddles glint
on city pavements washed clean
of reveler's dross
Truths and falsehoods live
entwined around hearts and mind
both playing their parts
Left undone, ignored --
on dismal days, the painful
on good, the mundane
Love's prelude
First live music, shared
first hands held, protectively
first kisses, sweetly
Missed you
Greeting me with meows
following me room to room
snuggling as we sleep
Flying home
Cool white vapors hide
the dark warm earth I know is
below and waiting
Election Night in Times Square
A crush of bodies
voices raised in crescendo
a historic night
I lean deep into
the tempest as it pushes
against my wee soul.
Smiling and laughing
telling stories of humor
hides sadness emmense
Dimensional Denial
My size 8 body
wears size 2 trends of today --
do these tricks sell more?
Creatures of the Night
Soft fur and webbed wings
silent echoing chorus
searching through darkness
Express Bus 234
Early morn commute
shared smile, shared seat, shared journey
familiar strangers
Found items
The wheel-less walker
spies road-side debris telling
cryptic life dramas
Crisp Autumn Days
Blue norther blows in
wiping cyan clean, the sky;
light frost dusts the leaves
Sleep debt collected
Body-mind sleeps through
cat pounces and cell phone rings
soft breath on pillow
Just pen and paper,
keen eye, steady hand, quick strokes
she begets beauty
Commerce street
Streets lined with cypress
birds perched high cantillating --
sidewalk serenade
Lunch Buddy
Tiny hands reach out
asking for a nut, unshelled --
Shared lunch in the park
Happy Birthday, Nikhil
He set his sights on
climbing slopes, to synchronize
mind-body zenith
Smoke alarm calling
Insistent chirping
reminds me time is nigh for
9-volt renewal.
Courtroom a cappella
Crisp suits, murmuring
Stacks of paper, susurrant
Swivel seats, squeaking
Hooks through fuzzy yarn
stitches downy warm blankets
telling family tales.
Never Ending
Water-worn wood dips
down into quickening streams
lift up, down, up, down...
Pink for October
She - tiny, but with
the fortitude of ten men,
survivor - my mom
On a clear dark night,
my inner child's eye sees a
connect-the-dot sky.
Honored Cicak*
Mosquito hunter,
sleek with a castaway tail --
Welcome to my walls.
*chee-chak, Bahasa Indonesia for lizard
Late night deadlines loom
with foggy mind, aching neck,
spent will and Red Bull.
Climbing through Altostratus
Mountaintop fog mists
on my cheek and eyelashes --
Clouds engulf me whole.
Cries for attention,
but squirms out of an embrace --
Ambiv'lence Defined!
As precious as gold,
amassed and stockpiled by tykes --
Spoils of Halloween!
Dawn portrait
Watercolor skies
greet me on the day I dip
brush in hues akin.
Friday afternoons
Eyes and mind wander
to windows brimming with blue --
is it time for play?
Tracks to nowhere
Endless steely lines
leading eyes to locus far,
but the rumble nears.
Good morning
Sun salutations,
a steaming cup of dark brew --
Daily rituals
Ambling through swap meets
for Elvis-related gems --
Hello, kindred "Kings"!
Monday showers
Downpour of rain drops,
all sodden and glistening,
tender shoots bow down.
Johnny Jump-ups
Purple visages,
with baby grimacing cries,
turn to face the sun.
Inner loft
Leafy tendrils cling,
light dapples through bygone glass --
sanctum from life's woes.
The Artist's Path
The eye sees, the mind
imagines, the hand creates,
the heart cherishes.
Instant Bird Bath
A hasty retreat --
lonely ice cube left
melting on picnic table.
Childhood's innocence,
a blur in my eye's corner;
I turn and it's gone.
My favorite songs
Tonic melody,
Layered words that speak to me,
Chords in minor key.
Eau de Big Tex
Evening breeze wafts scents
of golden doughy sweetness,
hints of grease past prime.
Access Granted
Click-click-click, keys pressed;
Metal-in-metal, keys turned;
Each to open worlds.
Not ready to say goodbye
Casting long shadows,
red sun clings to horizon --
still one more ray left!
A New Autumn
Summer days ending,
looking back she is root-bound
but forward, wind-swept.
After Ike
Yard toys in tree tops,
Life shards strewn about like glass;
Pick up, start anew.
Energy crisis solved
Harness the forces
of two kittens playing to
power the cosmos.
Two sides, one heart
Stay at a distance,
or you'll
see the broken, scarred,
evanescent me
Draw near - life is flawed,
messy, harsh, splendid, precious,
amazing - like
Warrior One posed
Single drop of sweat
trickles between taut shoulders,
poised on bended knee.
Metropolis dawn
Steel towers rise up
above misty river fog --
Urban mountain range
Backyard mow
Cut grasslets fly by,
landing on glistening brow --
Nature's green
Captain Midnight
He lumbers atop
soft belly, ribs, and breastplate --
cat breath in my face.
Ticket for one
Slumber tip-toes in,
staying 'til dawn to watch my
-esque dream reels.
Ranch Road 2114
Spied on dusty tracks
cutting through verdant farmland --
red birds and Keystone!
3 A.M wake-up call
Windows open wide,
Lunar light casts night shadows
in the devil's hour.
Door #1
An ageless gateway
to a world unfamiliar --
shall I step through it?
Summer ends with a bang
Thin branches bend low
as September storms gust in,
sweeping instant streams.
Saturday Builds
Our hands rough from wear
strike with tools of wood and steel,
forging a new life.
Farmers Market Finds
Tiny pyramids
of Indian summer yields
mark my salad days.
A New Day
What will today bring?
Gritty sidewalks, found pennies.
Brave paths, my true self.
Aqua yearnings
Hungry, I rush to
devour an alluring bright-
ness, but I'm consumed...
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