Sunday biking

Pedal fast and hard
up the hill 'round the corner --
wind through my pigtails


Julia Phillips Smith said...

What a perfect spring poem!

gautami tripathy said...

I can feel it!

lay in lace

Linda Jacobs said...


I can't wait to hop on my bike and pedal to the beach!

Such an exuberant haiku!

Beek said...

I like it, and I like the idea of the wind in the hair.

Anonymous said...

oh, I love it. Makes me want to go buy a bike...

Tumblewords: said...

Perfect! Ain't spring grand??? :)

Anonymous said...

That was a really nice work . . . I adore the name Haiku Tuna. . . that was a really inspired use of the language.

Sherri B. said...

This sounds so joyful and lighthearted...just what I needed on this bleak, gray day. Thank you! :~)

Sepiru Chris said...

You've captured that desire.

Well done.