Creatures of the Night

Soft fur and webbed wings
silent echoing chorus
searching through darkness

Express Bus 234

Early morn commute
shared smile, shared seat, shared journey
familiar strangers

Found items

The wheel-less walker
spies road-side debris telling
cryptic life dramas

Crisp Autumn Days

Blue norther blows in
wiping cyan clean, the sky;
light frost dusts the leaves

Sleep debt collected

Body-mind sleeps through
cat pounces and cell phone rings
soft breath on pillow


Just pen and paper,
keen eye, steady hand, quick strokes
she begets beauty

Commerce street

Streets lined with cypress
birds perched high cantillating --
sidewalk serenade

Lunch Buddy

Tiny hands reach out
asking for a nut, unshelled --
Shared lunch in the park

Happy Birthday, Nikhil

He set his sights on
climbing slopes, to synchronize
mind-body zenith

Smoke alarm calling

Insistent chirping
reminds me time is nigh for
9-volt renewal.

Courtroom a cappella

Crisp suits, murmuring
Stacks of paper, susurrant
Swivel seats, squeaking


Hooks through fuzzy yarn
stitches downy warm blankets
telling family tales.

Never Ending

Water-worn wood dips
down into quickening streams
lift up, down, up, down...

Pink for October

She - tiny, but with
the fortitude of ten men,
survivor - my mom


On a clear dark night,
my inner child's eye sees a
connect-the-dot sky.

Honored Cicak*

Mosquito hunter,
sleek with a castaway tail --
Welcome to my walls.

*chee-chak, Bahasa Indonesia for lizard


Late night deadlines loom
with foggy mind, aching neck,
spent will and Red Bull.

Climbing through Altostratus

Mountaintop fog mists
on my cheek and eyelashes --
Clouds engulf me whole.


Cries for attention,
but squirms out of an embrace --
Ambiv'lence Defined!


As precious as gold,
amassed and stockpiled by tykes --
Spoils of Halloween!

Dawn portrait

Watercolor skies
greet me on the day I dip
brush in hues akin.

Friday afternoons

Eyes and mind wander
to windows brimming with blue --
is it time for play?

Tracks to nowhere

Endless steely lines
leading eyes to locus far,
but the rumble nears.

Good morning

Sun salutations,
a steaming cup of dark brew --
Daily rituals


Ambling through swap meets
for Elvis-related gems --
Hello, kindred "Kings"!

Monday showers

Downpour of rain drops,
all sodden and glistening,
tender shoots bow down.

Johnny Jump-ups

Purple visages,
with baby grimacing cries,
turn to face the sun.

Inner loft

Leafy tendrils cling,
light dapples through bygone glass --
sanctum from life's woes.

The Artist's Path

The eye sees, the mind
imagines, the hand creates,
the heart cherishes.

Instant Bird Bath

A hasty retreat --
lonely ice cube left
melting on picnic table.


Childhood's innocence,
a blur in my eye's corner;
I turn and it's gone.